Monica Perez
Accounts Receivable Liaison/Legal Assistant

Monica Perez serves as the Billing and Accounts Receivable Liaison at The Sparks Law Firm, PC. Having been born and raised in Houston, Texas, and graduating from George I. Sanchez, AAMA, in 2011, she embarked on a versatile career across different domains. Married with three wonderful children and several cats whom she loves, Monica brings over eight years of expertise in human resources, particularly in unemployment insurance, coupled with extensive experience in working with individuals. Fluent in both English and Spanish, she is dedicated to achieving objectives and delivering top-notch service to clients. Monica holds a unique perspective on injustice and the potential abuse of power within the system, especially against marginalized individuals. During her leisure time, she finds solace in immersing herself in a good book, watching movies or indulging in a television series.