Trusted Houston Criminal Defense Team Fighting For Your Freedom And Future
Monique Sparks

Month: February 2024

What Are the Penalties for a Texas Burglary Charge?

It’s important to understand that not all theft charges are created equal. Unfortunately, many assume that stealing is stealing, and the consequences they can face for burglary are the same as shoplifting. However, this is far from the truth. As such, if you are facing a burglary charge, understanding the penalties you can face and how Houston theft crime lawyers…

What Warrants an Aggravated Assault Charge in Texas?

Being charged with a crime as serious as assault can be incredibly overwhelming. However, when the offense is charged as an aggravated assault, this becomes even more severe. As such, understanding what can increase these charges is critical. Additionally, you should know why you must connect with Houston assault lawyers if arrested for this crime. Keep reading to discover what…

What Should I Know About a First Offense DWI in Texas?

Whether you only planned on having one drink or you thought your buzz had gone away before getting behind the wheel, facing a DWI charge is an overwhelming experience for many.  If facing a first-offense DWI charge in the Lone Star state, it’s important to understand what you are up against. The following blog explores the common questions you may…